
Posts Tagged ‘Steve Jobs’

After months of speculation October 6th saw the long awaited announcement about the new iPhone. Not the iPhone 5 as many supposed, but an iPhone 4s, and, if Apple’s own publicity is to be believed, the best iPhone yet!

iphone 4s

Whilst I am a paid up member of the iPhone appreciation society, what has amazed me is the amount of publicity around this product, not created by Apple themselves, but by the rumour mill. Whilst Apple must spend millions on marketing, and advertising, they must see as much benefit from the huge amount of speculation which took place before the launch.

I remember reading about what the ‘new’  iPhone would be as long ago as April. Whilst I acknowledge that a lot of what was written then now appears to be incorrect, it certainly got people’s interest, even the BBC speculated about this product. This hype has helped Apple run what they say has been the most successful new product launch they have had!

Apple is a company known for it’s secrecy, and interestingly, the more secretive it becomes, the more that people try to find out what is going on. Human nature is such that  the more that we are told we can’t have something, then the more we try to get it. Apple as a company must be relishing this characteristic.

The law has by many been seen as being run as a secret society. However, this is apparently all about to change with the opening of the way for non lawyers to provide legal advice. Some believe that the lid has well and truly been blown off Pandoras box.  But, who will benefit? The idea that there may be some mystique to the way lawyers work has in the main worked well, with the majority of people using lawyers being generally satisfied with the advice and service provided.

It remains to be seen whether the new changes will actually benefit the consumer of legal services in the future. However, without the mystique, will some of the power be lost. And, will that result in a less streamlined and less regulated society? I think not. If it is no longer a secret it no longer holds any intrigue, and therefore why should standards be maintained. If the press are to be believed legal services will become just another bag of apples!

And so back to Apple. I must pass comment about the late Steve Jobs. Again many column inches have been written, and many words spoken about him and his premature departure. Whilst I did not know him personally, and therefore couldn’t join in with the wave of hysterical grieving, the world has clearly lost a great man. A man who, if what we read is to be believed, almost single handedly changed the way that we live our lives on a daily basis. His ability to conceptualise and lead from the front must be the envy of many CEO’s. He has provided us with some great products that simply work out of the box. His understanding of the KISS principle was outstanding. It is a sign of the awe with which he was held, that even his competitors have delayed the introduction of their own competing  products as a mark of respect.

Life will be less technologically beautiful and more complicated as a result of his passing.  God bless you Steve.

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs - "Life will be less technologically beautiful and more complicated as a result of his passing. God bless you Steve."

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